Green Energy icon

Green Gurus

Illustration of solar panels on a house

The Trust are planning to hold a series of evening events over the winter months which would offer Fintry residents the opportunity to hear from other local residents, installers, engineers and those with experience of renewable energy systems. This would provide an opportunity to discuss funding, the installation process, costs for install and running costs […]

Party Pack

Party Pack Invitation

FDT are proud members of Circular Communities Scotland  We respect the world’s finite resources and wherever possible we embrace the opportunity to minimise waste, to reuse and repair before purchasing new. One of our trustees has developed the Party Pack Project which offers a full party kit for any local party or event and includes reusable […]

CHDP (Community Heat Development Program)

CHPD (Community Heat Development Program)

With funding from the Scottish Government CARES programme, we will shortly be running a small project investigating the development of a collective purchase program of renewable heating systems. This would be for householders in Fintry and would include the replacement of aging, and some failing, existing renewable installations as well as the replacement of traditional, […]

Balgair Update


Work on improving the operation of the district heating system is continuing. The decision was taken earlier in the year to replace the heat interface units at each house. A tender process has been run for this work and the commission awarded to Reheat. This work should complete by the end of October, and should […]