Fintry Development Trust
Empowering an environmentally sustainable future for Fintry
Who we are
Fintry Development Trust has been championing sustainable change since 2007. We’ve led some innovative, community-driven energy projects, starting with our first Insulation Project. We then ventured into groundbreaking initiatives like the SMART Fintry Project.
Fintry was one of the first communities to secure a partnership deal with a wind farm developer which enabled us to fund our own energy reduction and sustainability measures for the benefit of the village.
Our Vision
In partnership with others and by harnessing the opportunity and innovation provided by renewables, FDT works to make Fintry a carbon neutral, environmentally sustainable community.
Our Core Values
As a Development Trust, we hold Community, Sustainability, Innovation and Commitment, as our core values and put these at the heart of our work.