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Green Directory

Your go-to guide for local and national initiatives that are dedicated to promoting and creating sustainability.

Pre-loved children’s boutique.
A safe, secure way to dispose of laptops and computers.
Information Bank on Climate Change.
Source of information to end fuel poverty.
Take steps that help communities and the planet.
Secondary glazing for timer sash windows.
Free, impartial advice on energy saving.
Safely dispose of waste and recycling materials that are too big for your kerbside bins.
Bags and accessories made from inflatable toys.
Mattress Collection & Disposal in Glasgow.
We’ve got all the information you need to join us in the fight against food waste!
Recycle your unwanted computers, phones, cables etc.
Sustainable, circular system for household cleaning products and toiletries.
Sustainable, environmentally friendly toilet roll.
A way to fund your energy-efficient home improvements.
Access to an environmentally friendly mode of transport.
Recycling ink cartridges.
Drop off point for recycling tents and outdoor gear.
Buy or donate a pre-loved bike.
High quality pre-owned or upcycled furniture.
Lower your environmental impact when you shop for groceries.
Like an ordinary library, except you can borrow all sorts of equipment.
Address heat loss in your home or business.
Scans and analyses labels (food and cosmetics).
Start your journey to a more sustainable lifestyle.