Our journey
Awards, recognition and media
A timeline of key events that have shaped Fintry Development Trust from its inception to today. This page highlights the milestones, achievements, and pivotal moments that have helped us grow into the community-driven organisation we are now. Explore our history and see how our ongoing efforts continue to support Fintry’s sustainable future.
The Fintry Four – Martin Turner, Bill Acton, Gordon Cowtan & David Howell, got together around 2003/4 and together created a pioneering opportunity for Fintry.
FREE (Fintry Renewable Energy Enterprise) was incorporated in June 2005
Fintry Development Trust was launched in 2007 to manage the income from the windfarm agreement. With many successful projects following, FDT was recognised in 2012 at the Scottish Green Energy Awards winning “The Community Initiative Award”

Fintry was the first community in the UK to enter a joint venture agreement with a renewable developer, Falck, securing the equivalent of a ‘virtual’ 2.5MW wind turbine at Earlsburn wind farm for the Community.
Continued our ‘Drop In’ sessions, which allowed residents to have a face-to-face chat with staff on all aspects of FDT. These sessions are for all but benefit those uncomfortable with technology or who prefer a chat over a cuppa
Financial governance
FDT Engaged a freelance financial consultant to help manage the increase in financial responsibilities and to look and investment for longevity and to provide a legacy for the Trust.
Further community support
We installed a cycle, wheelchair, and pram repair unit for use by all. We had the pleasure of Fintry Primary School’s regular cyclists helping unveil the unit with our good friends, Recyke-a-bike.
New staff
Employed a part-time Administrator to manage the grant processing and contribute to other aspects of the Trust’s development.
The Trustees participated in strategic planning courses held by the Development Trust Association and Financial planning with Locality who support communities to develop good financial governance.
Local FDT events taking place again – Our AGM, Energy workshop, Transport workshop, Sustainable Food Fayre and A Repair Café all took place in 2023.
Mortgage paid off!
The mortgage on our partnership deal has finally paid off!
This brings greater responsibilities for our Trustees and the need for secure financial governance
Balgair District Heating System.
Engaged a consultant to further investigate solutions for Balgair District Heating System
Community Consultation and Return to Activity
We embarked on lots of community consultation after the pandemic eased. We held history nights which focused on our past achievements, what we have achieved and what plans to develop for the future.
Grants and the Energy Crisis
We were able to launch grants to help the community purchase logs, improve energy efficiency, and provide financial help for those struggling to pay fuel bills.
We decided to change our ‘Articles’ to allow FDT to assist those struggling with the fuel and cost of living crisis. Not a straightforward process but the Board felt it a necessary step to support the community.
Sustainability Day
Our AGM was held on 02.02.2020 before opening the day up to a Sustainability Day for all residents of Fintry to promote all aspects of Sustainability and Environmental consideration.
Challenging Times
As with many organisations, the Pandemic prevented us from running events and face-to-face activities. The Trust focused on improving its governance, upgrading its IT systems, and planning.
In addition, issues with our Biomass district heating system have taken considerable time to address.
Visited by Paul Wheelhouse MSP, The Minister for Energy, Connectivity, and the Islands
An interesting visit from the Minister, who spent considerable time with the FDT team discussing projects, funding, issues and then visited the primary school children in their outdoor classroom – in the snow!
2019 GSHP Possibilities
Continued with GSHP (Ground Source Heat Pump) district heating possibilities, including grant funding applications and technical investigations.
Disappointingly unable to proceed with the district heating project due to technical issues of insufficient water volume
2019 Future Planning
FDT began the early groundwork and preparations for FDT’s Futures project – discussing the opportunities and possibilities for Fintry in 4 years’ time when the mortgage is finally paid off on our turbine, and a larger income is expected to come to the Trust. Exciting times ahead.
Completion and Reporting on the SMART Fintry project.
Investigated the potential for extending the SMART Fintry project through consultations with industry, businesses, and the community.
District Heating
Development of plans for a potential District Ground Source heating project within the village.
Year 2 of Smart Fintry Project
Further development of the Smart Fintry project, including website and live feed information of local energy production to a screen at the village Sports Club hub. Continuation of local energy advice and grant assistance.
School Solar Installation
FDT installed Solar PV to the Nursery building, providing a Solar Fund from the resulting Feed in Tariff payments, for the Primary School to use in development of environmental projects for Fintry pupils.
Hosted Guests from the Australian Parliament.
FDT were selected as part of their tour of the UK. The visit presented a valuable exchange of information.
End of FDT Grant scheme
The scheme ended due to financial issues affecting the trust. 184 households benefited and received over £87,011.74 and educational grants which supported 24 Fintry students at a value of £11,142.39.
Visit from the Chair of Ofgem, Mr David Gray
He was interested in challenges facing Community Energy projects
Visit from Friends of the Earth International
To be interviewed and photographed for a new book being published by FOE International, documenting the world at 1oC warming and solutions by community groups.
Education Scotland
Education Scotland visited Fintry Primary School to see what amazing progress FP have made in Sustainability. FDT discussed how we have worked with the children in the past, with wildflower gardens, recycling shows, bug hunts, seed bombs, EV car demonstrations and the CCP (Carbon Cutter Police). We worked with the children on saving the Bees and provided information on how to safely feed and hydrate bees in your garden. The children’s own demonstrations of their knowledge of sustainability were impressive!
SMART Fintry Project
Funded by Local Energy Scotland for a pioneering two-year project which aimed to balance local green energy production with our local community’s energy use. FDT worked collaboratively with several partners to negotiate a Fintry-specific electricity tariff and bespoke smart meters. A promotional video by Good Energy is available on YouTube.
FDT Hosted Guests from the Estonian Government.
We were formally interviewed, minutes made and presented with a beautiful picture and several photos taken to mark the event! Very enjoyable exchange.
District Heating
District heating system – development of plans for Balgair – 26 chalet homes, with many residents in fuel poverty.
FDT Mentoring
Through SCCAN (Scottish Communities Climate Action Network) FDT staff took part in a mentoring scheme where we met and developed a working, supportive relationship with Beechbrae, in West Lothian, whose aims were to create a woodland, orchard and outdoor community facility. FDT helped them set up, engage with the community, and get their first AGM underway.
Visitors to FDT from Brazil, the EU and Mexico
Facilitated via The Common Wheel, this was an interesting sharing of information and experiences.
Stirling Low Carbon Future
Partnership project with Transition Stirling with one-year CCF funding to take Carbon reducing education across Stirling.
Fintry of the Future
Through funding from the Big Lottery’s Investing in Ideas grant, FDT were able to work with partners Dr Anne Winther PhD and Lateral North design consultants to look at Fintry in 2035. The Fintry Masterplan or as it was retitled, Fintry Possible. Various community engagement approaches were used to find out how residents of all ages saw the village’s future development. A published report was shared with FCC. The report covered demographics, housing, transport, wellbeing, sustainability and more.
Final Year of CCF Funded Project
4th FRESh event – bigger than ever and including a celebration of community successes through our FRESh Egg awards event. The evening was attended by many other pioneering communities, with guest presenters, MPs MEPs, MSPs. MC was Lesley Riddoch. We also had leading sustainability chef Neil Forbes, who champions the Slow Food movement, to do demos for the kids at school and for adults at the pub.
External Insulation
This was provided to all but 2, Cruden homes in Culcreuch Avenue and 3 other homes in Fintry, via Eco funding. Vastly improving living conditions and fuel costs for all residents who received the treatments.
Metal Trees – Windfarms in Scotland
This was filmed by independent film maker Kevin Johnston featuring thoughts from FDT directors Gordon Cowtan & David Howell. Available on YouTube.
In the French News!
We were interviewed by correspondent, Tristan de Bourbon Parme for the French and Swiss publications, the daily La Croix, the Swiss daily La Tribune de Geneve and the Belgian daily Le Soir. International interest!
Primary School Visit to Polmaise
FDT funded a visit to Polmaise recycling centre to enable the Primary School children to learn about the processes of recycling and what happens to our rubbish.
Focus on Energy Saving and Fuel Poverty
This took place within our CCF project. Energy advisors supported residents to make changes where possible, from draughtproofing to installing a micro renewable system.
Media Training
All staff took part in media training and contributed to the production of media packs and ‘How to’ guides through grant funding from Awards for All. Consultant Chris Smith taught and helped produce the materials to create a library of information to share with other community groups and interested parties.
Community Garden
FDT opened the Community Garden for all to use. The garden was largely funded by the Peoples Postcode lottery and supported by Stirling Council. The land was donated for use by Fintry Sports Club. The on-going management was passed to the Community Council.
EV Added to Fleet
FDT adds an EV to FEET fleet of cars
EV charging point
With grant funding from EST (Energy Savings Trust), FDT installed a 22kw rapid EV charging point. Initially free to use by all EV drivers, to encourage residents to transition to electric vehicles.
Visitors from Papua Indonesia
The visitors were guests of Alastair McIntosh, ecologist, Quaker, and author. With the help of a translator, we enjoyed an interesting and enjoyable exchange of thoughts and ideas from a different perspective.
Energy Audit
70% of all Fintry homes completed an energy audit as part of CCF project.
Climate Challenge Fund Awarded Three Year Funding
Three-year funding awarded to progress our work and aims towards making Fintry a low carbon community, through tackling energy, transport, and sustainability projects.
The Green Pages
FDT created the ‘Green Pages,’ a local directory for services, suppliers, and trades. Keeping it local. Copy given to every household and extras available from Sports Club and FDT staff.
Third FRESh
Fintry Renewable Energy Show was held again, expanding on previous successes, including running a local market at the Village Hall using locally produced food and goods.
Carbon Cutter Police
FDT developed a carbon police force among the senior pupils at the Primary School. A variety of carbon reducing tasks were encouraged and carbon savings calculated on the tasks completed. The children had ‘Police Badges’ and were encouraged to take the tasks home to families. Great fun and incredibly positive outcomes.
British Renewable Energy Awards
FDT were finalists for the community award!
The Scottish Green Energy Awards
FDT won! The Community Initiative Award.
Climate Challenge Fund Exemplar Grant
Exemplar grant awarded from the Climate Challenge Fund to continue staffing of ongoing projects which helped make the transition to greater sustainability within the community.
Fintry Energy Efficient Transport launched to investigate the feasibility of a local rural car club to tackle transport issues. We ran one trial EV (Electric Vehicles) to assess interest and eventually had an EV and two diesel cars. We also developed a cycle club with 5 standard cycles and two electric bikes for hire. Initially supported by Carclub Scotland until subsidies were unfortunately pulled. Outgoing costs finally superseded the income from the club, forcing closure. Valuable lessons were learned in transport behaviour and the preferences and needs of Fintry residents.
Fintry Community Orchard
This was created around the perimeter of the Sports field thanks to an agreement with Fintry Sports Club. Over 40 fruit trees were planted by community volunteers. The event was recorded as part of the ‘Wind of Change’ film.
Grant Scheme Launched
£500 non-accessed grants for carbon reduction measures per household, and £1000 Warm Home Fund for those on credits. The scheme encouraged various measures and resulted in considerable carbon savings.
‘Wind of Change’
This was filmed by German director Cornelia Reetz and distributed widely to other communities and a copy sent to every MSP. The film premiered at the Glasgow Film Theatre and is now available to view on YouTube.
Primary School Outdoor Classroom
The outdoor classroom was created with a contribution of £10,000 from FDT, helping create a wonderful facility for the children to learn within their natural environment.
First Staff
As recipients of the Climate Challenge Fund, this allowed us to engage a Project Manager and Energy Advisor. Over 20 domestic heat pumps and biomass heating systems were installed over the year and support was given to Fintry Sports Club for installing a biomass heating system.
Second FRESh
4th & 5th of June. Similar format of a business day and a family day with lots of guests, speakers, and activities. Glasgow Science Centre provided energy science for the kids, and we organized trips up to the wind farm. We held the FRESh family day to coincide with the Fintry Fling.
Awards Dinner
FDT were invited to the Scottish Sustainable Development Forum awards dinner.
Sports Club Energy Saving Project
Providing energy-saving lighting and sensors for the Sports Club, which is the main community hub housing our small shop, bar, and café, as well as a gym, bowling hall and squash courts.
The first FRESh Event
Fintry Renewable Energy Show was held. The event included those in the Energy Industry in talks and presentations, and a Family Day full of energy and sustainability information with green activities for all the family.
Panorama & Tom Heap
FDT’s AGM was filmed, as were some director’s families at home, discussing gas energy options for a piece on Community Renewables. DVD copies exist somewhere…
EAS/Fuel Poverty Conference Dinner
This was attended by two FDT directors
The Glenfiddich Spirt of Scotland Awards
FDT attended as finalists in the Environment award.
University of Stirling Research Project
Anne Winthers, a Postgraduate of the University of Stirling, who was conducting research on Development of Sustainable Communities in Rural Scotland carried out and presented research on Fintry to the community at our AGM.
Turbine Visit
FDT organised a trip to visit “our Turbine” T15, for all residents interested in making the trip by coach. Residents proudly autographed the turbine, looked around the site on a beautiful day, peeked inside T15, and listened to a specially commissioned musical piece played live at the site.
Green Energy Awards
The Fintry Four attend the prestigious event in Edinburgh
This was a project designed to explore the possibility of a local energy supply company to provide residents with local electricity and encourage the take up of micro renewables. Considerable research and financial modelling were undertaken. Project continued into 2009.
FDT was formed
Fintry Development Trust was formed in 2007 to distribute income from the turbine to the community to create a zero waste, zero carbon, sustainable and resilient community.
Insulation Project
FDT’s first major project offered free loft and cavity wall insulation to all residents of Fintry. Thermal images were taken of all homes to highlight heat loss areas.